Newbie here.
Extreme is doing a challenge called "Generations on a Mission" where they're asking people/bands to cover Rise, so I threw my hat in the ring.
I made the solo more EVH than Nuno.
Recorded on:
Korg D1600 with a Loudo Khyber on the bridge position using the maxed out Passive-Aggressive tone control into a EVH 5150 iii LBX ii direct through a Mesa Boogie Cab Clone & Behringer G100 DI.
Drums done using an Alesis Drum Machine SR-16
Bass done using the Loudo Khyber middle position (both pups) w/o activating the Passive-Aggressive tone control through a EHX Nano Pog, then into a SVT Sans Amp.
Vox done in the electrical closet at the Loudo guitar factory through an MXL 990 and an Art Tube MP/C Pre Amp Opto Compressor.
Light Mastering done through Adobe Sound Booth 2012 edition.
The work floor of the Loudo factory makes an appearance with a shelf of body blanks & the body blank gluing Ferris Wheel!
Extreme is doing a challenge called "Generations on a Mission" where they're asking people/bands to cover Rise, so I threw my hat in the ring.
I made the solo more EVH than Nuno.
Recorded on:
Korg D1600 with a Loudo Khyber on the bridge position using the maxed out Passive-Aggressive tone control into a EVH 5150 iii LBX ii direct through a Mesa Boogie Cab Clone & Behringer G100 DI.
Drums done using an Alesis Drum Machine SR-16
Bass done using the Loudo Khyber middle position (both pups) w/o activating the Passive-Aggressive tone control through a EHX Nano Pog, then into a SVT Sans Amp.
Vox done in the electrical closet at the Loudo guitar factory through an MXL 990 and an Art Tube MP/C Pre Amp Opto Compressor.
Light Mastering done through Adobe Sound Booth 2012 edition.
The work floor of the Loudo factory makes an appearance with a shelf of body blanks & the body blank gluing Ferris Wheel!