Mixing EV and Celestion style 12" Speakers?


Rock Star
Got both of these and wondering how'd they'd pair in a 2 x 12 vertical cab. Both are 8 ohms. The Warehouse Creamback is 99.5dB SPL and the EV is 100, so at my lower home volumes there shouldn't be any drastic level differences. I'm either going to sell them or give it a try if anyone's had decent results.


According to this 10 year old thread Mesa was fond of it. Anyone ever played through one?

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I've been mixing a Redback and an WGS12L in a vertical 2x12 for the past few years and I won't use any other speaker combination, with one exception. I run both "standard" amps, a Kemper, and a Tonex through this combination and have never been disappointed, especially with acoustic sims. For the record, my standard amps are pretty much all Mesas. I also have 2 Thiele cabs. One has a Redback and the other has an EVM12L. Very much the same experience for me.
I've never run them in the same cab, it would have been separate cabs in a mono setup more than likely paired with a greenback or v30. It's fine, but personally I like the EV more on its own, or in pairs. I kept one for years in my YGM-3 combo and it sounded glorious.