

Staff member
We bought these tickets nearly 2 years ago and have been anxious as hell for it!

I didn’t take a lot of video at all, I was too busy enjoying the shit out of it, but we were about 20 rows lower and a few rows to the right from this guy.

The sound on that vid is not at all what it sounded like last night. That audio was fucking perfect! Wolf and Pantera both sounded GREAT. People were definitely taking their time filtering in during their sets but by the time Pantera played “Walk” you could start feeling the energy/volume of being in a stadium full of people ready for a metal show.

Regardless of your take on Metallica’s output for the last several decades, those guys know how to put on a fucking show. There’s a reason those guys play stadiums and they do it damn well. Even watching Pantera, seeing Zakk and Phil own that stage and have zero problem being the center of 60,000 people’s attention and just delivering. But Metallica is so at ease up there and then with the production, everyone gets a great show.

The guitars were clear as a bell, you could hear every pick attack, every clam, everything. My buddies, who have heard me talk about Fractal PLENTY over the years, would occasionally nudge me to bust my balls, wink and say “That’s all Fractal” :rofl

We were a bit worried about how it’d sound at Gillette, my buddy has seen a few concerts there and it’s either great or terrible, but from our seats I couldn’t have asked for better sound. What made me really stoked was seeing this little kid, maybe 9 or 10 with his jaw on the floor watching everything a few seats down from us. In almost the same spot, I was that same kid watching Floyd blow my mind in the old Foxboro stadium in ‘94.

Tomorrow night Five Finger Fart Box and some band I keep forgetting the name of are opening, we don’t really care much about them so tomorrow might be the “Our last night to get tanked together until my next vacation” tailgate night, but I can’t fucking wait to see Metallica again!
Interesting seeing them do an “in the round” setup in a stadium - it makes the floor look empty even though I know it’s a huge space.
Interesting seeing them do an “in the round” setup in a stadium - it makes the floor look empty even though I know it’s a huge space.

It definitely looks that way from that viewpoint, but when the band moves around the stage the whole audience moves with them. What’s particularly cool about this is that if you don’t want to be in the crowd you can just go to one of the areas without a ton of people and still have essentially a front row seat to the show.
AWESOME! What a cool AV idea with the 7 or 8? towers ringing the field.

The only downside to those towers is them blocking the visual line of site to the stage.

During Pantera it was a little frustrating because there were crew guys all over those towers in various clothing, extremely distracting because you’d think it were a band member or something. Once Metallica had all their own crew in black it was fine.

I found a video a couple months ago of the tech specs of the sound system and there’s some serious work into setting up each show and dialing in the delays between the towers. Also with the video screens, I’ve never seen HD video like that on a giant screen, but how they aligned them all so everyone gets a great video shot is impressive as hell.
Five Finger Fart Box
Work From Home Laughing GIF
Sad thing is; the singer used to be in a pretty cool band and did a lot cooler vocal shit-

Fortunately, my two former guitarists and a lovely lady I met at a bar tonight are all going to the show tomorrow and have no interest in anyone but Metallica, so we’ll have an excellent tailgating day!!!

Wow, I had no idea they had the same singer!
Yep, I loved the Motograter stuff I heard on MTV2/Much Music back in the 00’s. Can’t say the same for FFDP.
It was such an interesting time for heavy music. Everyone wanted to stand out and be so unique and weird/crazy to the point where everyone was doing something along those lines and it all got so gimmicky/samey
I went last night in Minneapolis! Second night is tomorrow.

Got there late so didn't see Mammoth. Not a big Pantera fan but fun to see them doing their thing and they sounded great. Had some friends that went to the secret show at First Avenue, which would have been awesome for Pantera fans. Zakk and Charlie are perfect fits, Rex is the man, and Phil seems to be doing very well.

Never saw Metallica before and figured this was my last good chance to see them, and they did not disappoint. I really like both the 80's and 90's Metallica (pass on St Anger and everything after). Good mix of songs. They put on a hell of a show. Really cool to see Greenie live too.

One thing, the mix was awful. US Bank Stadium is a sonic's massive and built of basically reflective surfaces. Could barely hear anything Pantera was doing. Metallica was better but only because they cranked the speakers to the point of distorting. Oh well, I have earplugs in anyway.
I went last night in Minneapolis! Second night is tomorrow.

Got there late so didn't see Mammoth. Not a big Pantera fan but fun to see them doing their thing and they sounded great. Had some friends that went to the secret show at First Avenue, which would have been awesome for Pantera fans. Zakk and Charlie are perfect fits, Rex is the man, and Phil seems to be doing very well.

Never saw Metallica before and figured this was my last good chance to see them, and they did not disappoint. I really like both the 80's and 90's Metallica (pass on St Anger and everything after). Good mix of songs. They put on a hell of a show. Really cool to see Greenie live too.

One thing, the mix was awful. US Bank Stadium is a sonic's massive and built of basically reflective surfaces. Could barely hear anything Pantera was doing. Metallica was better but only because they cranked the speakers to the point of distorting. Oh well, I have earplugs in anyway.

That's a bummer about the audio!! It was a highlight at my show, I couldn't believe a band in a stadium could sound that good, but I was really at ideal listening height and not far from it. Toms were hitting us in the chest but everything was still clear as a bell.
I didn't see these until just now-

I know they do some production on these vids before they post them, but it'd be beneficial to get the guitars sounding closer to they do at the shows. My assumption is it's the same tone going to the PA and it's a solid base tone for FOH to work with, but in the vids they end up sounding a bit undergained and not as 'Metallica' as they do in a stadium.