Mesa MkIIC+ in Town

They compensate for this on the jp2c with the pull gain. Most people that play metal on a IIc or III set the input volume at 7 or 8. So these are the two fixed values on the gain knob on the jp2c for pushed / pulled. Petrucci says it's a bona-fide 2c in his demo video and it's based on his favorite IIc he owns.

My preference would have been a 90w simulclass variant instead of the 100w jp2c, but that's also probably why I get along better with the VII than I did with the JP2C.
Yeah those gain settings make sense for a Petrucci flavored C+. I wish I could dial it down for some of the “other” 2C+ tones.

Im with you on the Simul Class power sections.

Mark amps are great for high gain metal, but they’re so much more versatile than some people give them credit for.

I used to use my Mark IV for country gigs
It’s easy to forget that the Mark circuit started as a juiced up Fender Princeton. That DNA is there.

It’s no coincidence we generally dial these in like a cranked blackface Fender - the more distorted the amp gets, the lower that bass knob goes to avoid the mud.

I can dial my Mark III lead channel down to a Fendery EOB tone. My old Studio Preamp did it even better IIRC. You can also use 5751 in the gain stages and clean it up a bit more.