See the "Software" section in the video I linked at about 18:46. It shows how Komplete Kontrol doesn't work right with the controller. The motorized knobs don't track, and he needs to cycle between sets of parameters up top that can match the parameters on the controller, but the right labels don't show up etc.
This is the major issue with any MIDI controller, where they often don't get the state of the thing they are controlling back from the software or device. You can obviously still control stuff, but turning a knob will set the value in the controlled thing to where that knob was pointing, rather than e.g preset value etc.
Until MIDI 2.0 becomes more prominent, this is most likely a hurdle. And considering how slow the adoption of MIDI 2.0 is, it could be ages until that happens.
Support for relative CC values (<64 for down, >64 for up) on the device or plugin end solves this in an elegant way because the MIDI controller no longer needs to know its state. It simply sends "value up/down" messages that the controlled device or software interprets as "turn this param's value up/down". Now all you need is the ability to see those values, probably on the device's display or a plugin window. Infinite rotaries are of course necessary for this.