Ha! Well to be fair, the TC50 has a lot of pluses, in comparison (but maybe this isn't helping?
- much better master volume (the Dyne's is comically ridiculous, it goes from off to "really damn loud" at about 7 o'clock on the dial)
- mode options on each channel (Tight, etc), Dyne has none
- MIDI-controllable channel-switching (not over the modes on each channel, though)
- total EQ and volume control over each channel (vs the Dyne's shared, but range-optimized for each channel controls, ie "ganged"
- better footswitch (instant access to each of the 3 channels vs Dyne's two-switch, clean/dirty on one switch and dirty/boosted on second switch)
- a bit lighter weight and smaller (though not as big a difference with small-shell Dyne head, which is hard to find)
However, in spite of all that ^^^, I still like the sound and feel of my Dyne much better and it suits my needs better. I also realized I don't like all that MIDI stuff in a good old tube amp, just more stuff to have a problem with?
Anyway, sorry for the slight derail,
@Achilles ! Back to the MV25 love. :)