low gain fuzz


Lately I've been more and more into slide guitar.
I've never really been a fuzz guy, but the way fuzz works for slide is pretty cool.
I find many Fuzz offerings to be too high gain and thus a bit finicky to play. I'd like to find something fuzzy that allows me to modulate long notes easier with texture and grit. Not just endless sustaining the same kinda thing. Fuzz pedals to play around the saturation point.

Are there pedals coming to mind?
Are there pedals that I should try that are forthcoming in this regard?
I know many fuzzes clean up nicely, but something to just stomp on and have "it" there without having to dial my volume aned tone juuust right would be chef's kiss.

Hungry Ad-Rock GIF by Beastie Boys
For what it's worth I thought your slide tone on the track you shared was fire. :chef
For what it's worth I thought your slide tone on the track you shared was fire. :chef

Aw, thanks, man!
The tone in my head that I want to hear is a bit different, though.
The long notes tend to be a bit static.
I guess that means I should work on my vibrato, but I think I could get closer with just more careful gain staging.

In that track I kinda cheated with adding a slight trem in post, not really noticeable, but lending a bit of movement.
Stomping on a harmonic trem would give me enough "cover", too, but that seems a bit hamfisted.
Right now I'm a bit strapped for time, but tomorrow evening I'll sit down with a beer and the random pile of dirt pedals I've kicking around and see what I can do...
That Mk1.5 always seemed interesting, when it came up around me.
I'll look into that. Any pedals you like in that vein?

The 1.5 mode in the Twin Bender is pretty awesome, unfortunately these are pricey these days.

Drunk Beaver's "Taras Bulba" is very similar, shipping from EU though, not sure if that's a good thing for you?

A good low-gain Fuzz Face should also do the trick, but I know zilch about the FF circuit, and which is which.

Maybe someone can recommend one?
A FF circuit can do this, although I would suggest following it with an OD like a TS or similar.
I have a BAE Hot Fuzz that is pretty versatile and can do the low fuzz well. It's based on a Tonebender with an added Rangemaster boost.

Other fuzz-like alternatives that I like are the Tube Driver and Rat.
A FF circuit can do this, although I would suggest following it with an OD like a TS or similar.
I have a BAE Hot Fuzz that is pretty versatile and can do the low fuzz well. It's based on a Tonebender with an added Rangemaster boost.

Other fuzz-like alternatives that I like are the Tube Driver and Rat.
FF is so versatile. I do love a nice Rat tho, nice mix of OD and fuzz imo
On my "soon to buy list" is a VS Audio Pandora Fuzz & Boost, which, unlike most others, works well in a buffered environment.