loop station


Hello All. I've got a problem a bit technical with loop station. I make this question in a Guitar Forum, because lot of people, also in shops of effects, couldn't answer to this question:
I've got a Boss RC 30. It is nice.. but... i can't change the memories(or patches) with the pedal. So.. i've tried an external pedal as switch, but it's not useful... also with original Boss pedal, because: you should take pressed the pedal for some seconds(hold down for some seconds), and when it start... it start to go up quickly...for example 2,3,4, 10...

It's impossible to be precise during a medium difficulties execution with guitar. In fact.. i've found nobody in internet that can make it, in that way.. with this setup.

I must play a song with a singer. In this songs i need to change 3 different memories, 3 different pre-recorded backing guitar that i record before the concert, and all the executions must be done at metronome that i have on my headphones.
I need to change memories(or patches) with a single touch, to stay "in time" with the song.

I've whatched some bigger Loop Stations.. but.. they are expensive, and some changes lot of "tracks" with pedal, not the "memories".

It is different, for example: if i can change 4 tracks, i can play 4 different part over my guitar.. but i'm playing always the same "memory". I dont need so much tracks, effects, or things like this.. i only need to change the memories(or loops, i don't know how you call this) in a easier and quicker way.
One question:
Do you know the cheepest way to have something that can change the memories, pre recorded, with a "single push" on pedal? With RC30 or with another loop station? It would be the only solution for me. Minimum 3?
Sorry if my english isn't perfect. Thanks in Advance.
I bought an RC5 for my stepdad and ran into the same issues using a standard momentary foot switch.

I solved the problem by using a Boss FS-7. The FS-6 will also work correctly with the RC series loopers.

I bought an RC5 for my stepdad and ran into the same issues using a standard momentary foot switch.

I solved the problem by using a Boss FS-7. The FS-6 will also work correctly with the RC series loopers.

Hi. Thank You very much for your answer! Unfortunately i think that the problem could be in Rc 30 programming hardware. It's made like this. How can you see in this video, also with FS5 and FS6 the issue is the same.. you need to Hold down the pedal to change the meomory number. In the video seem easy.. in an execution of a medium difficulties by metronome is impossible i think.

i didn't try FS7, but i would like to be sure that the issue is not in my RC30, before making it.
I bought an RC5 for my stepdad and ran into the same issues using a standard momentary foot switch.

I solved the problem by using a Boss FS-7. The FS-6 will also work correctly with the RC series loopers.

Your pedal RC5 is this one. Effectively it seem that you can change memory with a single press in that way. I don't know if other funcions are similar. I used to link the youtube videos because it's easier and quicker to express something whatching the images.
