I wasn't super impressed with this demo of the delay; but others really wow'd me - really caught my attention.
Here is
a nicely-explained review of what the pedal does, on guitarpedalx.com.
It has a nice, clean-looking interface, but with some of the alternate controls also displayed on the face of the pedal. I don't understand why all pedal companies don't do this. I have some Meris pedals, which I think are fantastic. But, in order to actually know what the alternate knob functions do, you either have to:
- have them memorized,
- use some of kind of a cheat sheet you can refer to, or
- buy a stencil that sits on top of pedal's face, so you can actually see them, on the pedal, itself.
I must admit, at first, I thought it was just another delay pedal with features I could already accomplish with some of my other delays (which are, by far, my favorite effect). But, it seems these folks have some very use able features that they've managed to incorporate into this pedal.
The combination of simultaneous standard and reverse delays and three on-board presets directly accessible on the pedal, for example.
Doesn't seem all that expensive, either, for l that it does (
in glorious stereo) - and in a nice compact pedal.
I hadn't heard of this company, initially. Will have to check out their other offerings.
Thanks to the OP, for posting this :-).
It seems these pedals are made in Canada. So far, the only place I've been able to find, here in the United States where you can buy one directly, is at West Music, in Coralville, Iowa. Is that correct?