London Fog Tape Delay. Looks pretty tight!


Here’s a picture with link for details. Cool unique features.

Dig the aesthetic. Forward + Reverse seems a little mushy on the demo, but it might have been the tone/riff he was using.
This has features like tape age, wow.

JHS have also come up with a 99$ tape delay simulator pedal. It is not feature-rich as this one though, obviously.
Well I don’t know the answer to that but I suspect that with 10 years of technical progress it might just be better,
I wish it was like that, but digital algorithms are as much a programming challenge as they are an artform in crafting sounds. I think Strymon is still, after all these years, one of the top dogs in this regard.

I set up the El Cap V2 and Flint V2 (which sound very much like the V1 stuff afaik) as the post-fx on my Mark V and both do a great job without ever getting in the way. There's something about those two that make them very easy to fit into your base sound.
I wish it was like that, but digital algorithms are as much a programming challenge as they are an artform in crafting sounds. I think Strymon is still, after all these years, one of the top dogs in this regard.

I set up the El Cap V2 and Flint V2 (which sound very much like the V1 stuff afaik) as the post-fx on my Mark V and both do a great job without ever getting in the way. There's something about those two that make them very easy to fit into your base sound.
Bingo. Agree 100%
I wish it was like that, but digital algorithms are as much a programming challenge as they are an artform in crafting sounds. I think Strymon is still, after all these years, one of the top dogs in this regard.

I set up the El Cap V2 and Flint V2 (which sound very much like the V1 stuff afaik) as the post-fx on my Mark V and both do a great job without ever getting in the way. There's something about those two that make them very easy to fit into your base sound.
And your opinion of the London Fog’s sounds now that you’ve tried it? So V1 is equal to V2 audibly? I think that’s interesting in and of itself. Sounds like you are sorted.
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I never said that I've tried the London Fog. It doesn't really impress in demo videos IMO.
Exactly as I suspected. You haven’t even tried using it while you somehow feel qualified to render judgement when compared against old equipment. Fine gear although. I know, I have owned the Strymon El Capistan twice.

Why even bother to weigh in? To defend being satisfied? This is the type of self-indulgent crap I really don’t care for. Can you honestly share what your motivation is with the group? It’s clearly not exploring new sounds or gear. What is it exactly? So now youtube videos are all you need? Even I know how unreliable they are a a reference point. But the thing is, I’m willing to admit that and am willing to consider that something better might just have come along. Are you? Nope.

I shared a new piece of gear I stumbled upon and thought it might be of interest to some. What are you doing? Nothing positive in this instance from what I can tell. Kindly, stop posting uninformed opinions with gear seekers who still have an open mind. It’s just an ego-centric form of self inflation. I don’t promote my own gear preference as some sort of absolutism and IMO you shouldn’t either. I’m disappointed in you @laxu but I am willing to hear your explanation of your behavior.

I like sharing my gear journey with others here. I’m not some sort of expert. Just a guy playing the guitar for 40 years or so that is still passionate about it. And still learning things. Read this thread again. Remind me again what you are “contributing” here…. A ten year old pedal many are aware of is better than something that you personally have never heard, touched nor held? I would expect better from you as you have had solid observations IMO in the past. Pony up, let’s hear your rationale. I’m quite sure it’ll be quite the spin, Doc.
Exactly as I suspected. You haven’t even tried using it while you somehow feel qualified to render judgement when compared against old equipment. Fine gear although. I know, I have owned the Strymon El Capistan twice.

Why even bother to weigh in? To defend being satisfied? This is the type of self-indulgent crap I really don’t care for. Can you honestly share what your motivation is with the group? It’s clearly not exploring new sounds or gear. What is it exactly? So now youtube videos are all you need? Even I know how unreliable they are a a reference point. But the thing is, I’m willing to admit that and am willing to consider that something better might just have come along. Are you? Nope.

I shared a new piece of gear I stumbled upon and thought it might be of interest to some. What are you doing? Nothing positive in this instance from what I can tell. Kindly, stop posting uninformed opinions with gear seekers who still have an open mind. It’s just an ego-centric form of self inflation. I don’t promote my own gear preference as some sort of absolutism and IMO you shouldn’t either. I’m disappointed in you @laxu but I am willing to hear your explanation of your behavior.

I like sharing my gear journey with others here. I’m not some sort of expert. Just a guy playing the guitar for 40 years or so that is still passionate about it. And still learning things. Read this thread again. Remind me again what you are “contributing” here…. A ten year old pedal many are aware of is better than something that you personally have never heard, touched nor held? I would expect better from you as you have had solid observations IMO in the past. Pony up, let’s hear your rationale. I’m quite sure it’ll be quite the spin, Doc.
I think my point has been pretty clear:
  • Someone asked how the London will stack against the El Cap. I said I don't think it does, because it lacks the tone controls that are significant for the sound of the El Cap.
  • Then you said that because the El Cap is old, this pedal must sound better. I rebuked it doesn't matter if a digital algorithm was written 10 years ago or today, what matters is what that digital algorithm can do. I could just as well point at e.g old Eventide reverb algorithms that are still revered today.
I honestly don't have the time, money or will to buy every pedal out there. That doesn't mean I'm not interested in them and discussing them.

To me the London Fog sounds alright, but I hear similar things in it that I hear in Source Audio tape delays where there's some characteristics that to me don't make it sound as nice as what Strymon does on their El Cap and Volante. Maybe that's bias, or what I'm used to, but that's how I hear it.

At no point did you indicate that YOU own this pedal either. If you do, please share your opinion of it.
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Exactly as I suspected. You haven’t even tried using it while you somehow feel qualified to render judgement when compared against old equipment. Fine gear although. I know, I have owned the Strymon El Capistan twice.

Why even bother to weigh in? To defend being satisfied? This is the type of self-indulgent crap I really don’t care for. Can you honestly share what your motivation is with the group? It’s clearly not exploring new sounds or gear. What is it exactly? So now youtube videos are all you need? Even I know how unreliable they are a a reference point. But the thing is, I’m willing to admit that and am willing to consider that something better might just have come along. Are you? Nope.

I shared a new piece of gear I stumbled upon and thought it might be of interest to some. What are you doing? Nothing positive in this instance from what I can tell. Kindly, stop posting uninformed opinions with gear seekers who still have an open mind. It’s just an ego-centric form of self inflation. I don’t promote my own gear preference as some sort of absolutism and IMO you shouldn’t either. I’m disappointed in you @laxu but I am willing to hear your explanation of your behavior.

I like sharing my gear journey with others here. I’m not some sort of expert. Just a guy playing the guitar for 40 years or so that is still passionate about it. And still learning things. Read this thread again. Remind me again what you are “contributing” here…. A ten year old pedal many are aware of is better than something that you personally have never heard, touched nor held? I would expect better from you as you have had solid observations IMO in the past. Pony up, let’s hear your rationale. I’m quite sure it’ll be quite the spin, Doc.
You need to take a fucking breath, dude.