Just scored a cool gig

Bob Zaod

Rock Star
I will be the Lemmy Kilmister in a new Motorhead Tribute forming in ABQ. I knew some day my Lemmy impersonation would pay dividends LOL. Anywho the next challenge is a left handed Rickenbacker, but for now my current Ibanez will work. First gig is slated for January and the set is only 8 songs deep so I have plenty of time. This one will be a full blown Tribute where I will need to look like Lemmy too. I was thinking a black licorice gumdrop glued to my face for the mole. Maybe a rootbeer candy barrel.

Subject to change but the set as it stands ..

Rock n Roll
Stone Dead Forever
Eat the Rich
Iron Fist
Love me like a reptile
and of course Ace of Spades.
Sounds like a blast!

Yeah it's going to be for sure. We havent found a guitarist yet but are already added to the network of Tribute Bands in ABQ for upcoming shows. It's more of a passion project for me. Lemmy is a legend and I would love to pay proper Tribute to him and what he meant to the rock and metal community.
I mean none of them are at the level of Ozz or Led Zep Again but they are all good tribute bands and I'm proud to be included.
Subject to change but the set as it stands ..

Rock n Roll
Stone Dead Forever
Eat the Rich
Iron Fist
Love me like a reptile
and of course Ace of Spades.
Needs more Killed By Death.
