Just saw Tool


Staff member
Man, am I glad I went to that show.

That was the 3rd or 4th Tool show and while the first time I saw them in ‘01 will always be pinnacle Tool for me, tonight was pretty special. The Hard Rock Live is not a big place, it‘s a 7K seater but feels like a slightly larger state theater. I was maybe 100-150 feet from the stage. The only time I had my camera out, when I sat down in my seat-



  1. Fear Inoculum
  2. Jambi
  3. Rosetta Stoned
  4. Pneuma
  5. Sweat
  6. Descending
  7. The Grudge
  8. Intermission
  9. Chocolate Chip Trip
  10. Culling Voices
  11. Invincible
  12. Stinkfist

The sound in this place is phenomenal and was the complete opposite experience I had seeing AIC here about 6 years back, where it was quiet as a mouse. This was arena volume and mixed so damn well you could hear everything. They’re doing some pretty cool shit at the board that really drives that show home. In spots where Adam would be playing solo, the pull-off palm muted licks in Jambi or Culling Voices (I think?) they’d put this sub bass on his guitar that made your hands vibrate. I was holding a bottle of water and once I was half finished it the water was vibrating so much 3/4’s into the show I had to put it down because my hands were numb! But it wasn’t just aimless low end, it was so finely tuned and perfect.

Something I found really, really cool was how many people acknowledged when they were doing something pretty crazy onstage with polyrhythm. The band would come out of it together and the audience would go nuts each time. There’s a LOT of improv in that set, man. Pretty sure “Rosetta Stoned” lasted about 12 minutes. I’m sure there’s bits they fall back on within those improvs, but damn, impressive how they hold shit together during those times.

Adam’s tone- I’d actually say the guitar may have been a pinch too loud and I’m really curious how much stage volume had something to do with that. Those guys are surrounded by side fills and I‘d imagine for him to get his feedback like that his monitors are also cranked. The bass was a little hard to hear at times, but another telling spot of their stage volume was between songs they cut Justin’s cab mics, I could hear this clicking sound and a faint clacking bass sound, I was hearing him test something in his rig but just from his stage volume alone. So I’d imagine how much stage volume from the guitar I was hearing.

Lots of mids, almost flubby at points when it sounds like the amps are going to burst, remarkably controlled. His feedback has its own sound to it, it’s not just feedback but the way he controls it is really somethin’ else. Being able to recreate some of those same squeals of feedback changing throughout a song that you hear on the record is impressive. It’s not a cutting tone at all. He used the new V quite a bit and a Silverburst with a Bigsby a couple times. Really, I have a hard time focusing on anything but Danny when I’ve been at their shows. Everything that guy plays is just fucking ridiculous, awesome, perfect, dynamic, damn. And those drums sounded SO GOOD!!!!! You could hear the actual drums, not just a bunch of EQ dictating the sound of them.

If you’re a casual fan I’d recommend going. Tickets generally aren’t cheap but if you look closer to the show, resellers start lowering prices. Mine was only $125 and I bought it last week. I’m considering going again tomorrow night if I find another ticket cheap enough. They’re changing the setlist up on this tour so I’d imagine tomorrow will be a bit different. Maynard was on fucking point. He did the scream in “The Grudge” and didn’t hold back much, he only dialed it back in “Stinkfist”. Much more effort than I heard him put in from 2010-2016.

If that’s the last Tool show I ever see, I’ll be happy with that.
I went to Lollapalooza in 1993 and while taking a break I walked by the side stage. There was a band playing that I didn't recognize but they were killing it so I stopped to check them out. Turns out it was Tool.

They were completely unknown at that point but were good enough to stop me in my tracks and listen even with all of the other great bands that were playing that day,

You can see them listed on this page.

Hell yeah!!

I really need to catch them again. Only seen them once on Halloween in 2015 with primus in Tempe. Incredible show, and one of the most psychedelic concert experiences I’ve had , which is saying something since I wasn’t even stoned and I’ve gone to plenty of concerts tripping balls :LOL:
Hell yeah!!

I really need to catch them again. Only seen them once on Halloween in 2015 with primus in Tempe. Incredible show, and one of the most psychedelic concert experiences I’ve had , which is saying something since I wasn’t even stoned and I’ve gone to plenty of concerts tripping balls :LOL:

Yeah, it's actually pretty damn cool how you don't actually need shrooms or acid to feel like you're tripping at a Tool show. :roflThere were some points where I thought tonight, "I dunno how I'd handle this tripping, this might be a bit much", I'd have to REALLY be with the right people, that's for sure!
The last time I got to see Tool was 2 years ago, and it was special as I got to take my kid with me. It warms my heart that he is turning into a Tool fan as well. I`ve seen them 3 times, we also got to see A Perfect Circle a few years ago. But Tool is such a cool band to see live. Maynard is close to 60 now, so it`s time to see them live if someone is on the fence.

If you get more tickets, go see them again (y)
I went to Lollapalooza in 1993 and while taking a break I walked by the side stage. There was a band playing that I didn't recognize but they were killing it so I stopped to check them out. Turns out it was Tool.

They were completely unknown at that point but were good enough to stop me in my tracks and listen even with all of the other great bands that were playing that day,

You can see them listed on this page.

I saw this tour as well \m/
looks like a solid setlist, very jealous. will have to check out tour dates for when they're over in europe, travelling to a European city for a few days might be more appealing trudging into Birmingham Arena or the O2 over here.
Like it was for Rush, I subscribe to the "never miss a Tool" show theory of life.

Caught them in Manchester on this tour. Took my boys. It was their first big concert. The oldest left a changed man. He's always loved rock but now he's deeper into technical rock and industrial and I couldn't be happier. The younger one fell asleep on my shoulder during the second set. Woke up for the Stinkfist encore though.

I might have kind of ruined them for arena shows starting them out on Tool. :D

Unbelievable show, as always.
Like it was for Rush, I subscribe to the "never miss a Tool" show theory of life.

Caught them in Manchester on this tour. Took my boys. It was their first big concert. The oldest left a changed man. He's always loved rock but now he's deeper into technical rock and industrial and I couldn't be happier. The younger one fell asleep on my shoulder during the second set. Woke up for the Stinkfist encore though.

I might have kind of ruined them for arena shows starting them out on Tool. :D

Unbelievable show, as always.

Seeing Floyd for my first concert did that a bit. The next show I went to was G3 with Vai/EJ/Satch after and for the first half the show I kept wondering where the lasers were.
I haven't seen Tool yet, but will be seeing A Perfect Circle when they come to the area in April. Billy Howerdel went to the same high school as my wife and is friends with her brother. Brother will be coming to town for the show so I'm hoping for maybe back stage passes or at least to meet Billy.
I haven't seen Tool yet, but will be seeing A Perfect Circle when they come to the area in April. Billy Howerdel went to the same high school as my wife and is friends with her brother. Brother will be coming to town for the show so I'm hoping for maybe back stage passes or at least to meet Billy.

Man, I’m jealous! The only APC show I saw was on their eMotive tour and it was the most boring fucking concert I’ve ever been to. Like Mudvayne, their first 2 albums a in my all-time favorites, I’m a huge Howerdel fan, his songwriting and tones are :chef

Enjoy that show!!!! And if ya get backstage, tell Billy to come check out the forum, he’s a gear nerd!
I've never heard of Tool. When the OP said he went to a Tool show, I thought it was like a show for the latest tools on the market like hammers and saws etc.lol

Living in a rural area doesn't expose you too much. The radio is country, religious or classic rock music and NPR classical music.

Hmmm... Hammers and Saws might be a good death metal band name.

Anyway on to YouTube to check out "Tool". What's their best tune?