Finding good info I suppose. The reality is that you only learn by doing, so you have to build amps and then learn how to make them work properly. Finding and fixing the isues one by one. Switching, pops, buzz, hiss, grounding issues the list is long. If you start building beyond getting a kit delivered in a box with a wiring diagram, pretty soon you'll hit all these things. Probabaly the best thing I did was to NOT post every issue I encountered in a Facebook group or forum and wait for the answer to be served up. Maybe stupid pride, but instead I perservered until I solved it and understood it myself. Then that knowledge is carried with you forever. When someone just serves an answer up for me, I rarely remember it. The challenge is still there, there are many things I want to push into that I haven't yet tackled!
I think the order was ok, I can't think of anything I'd change.