It Rocks!


I don’t even mind the logo (that much).

Hot Sauce Flirt GIF by Danilo

Dream amp right there! Which logo are you not feeling? The Lenz badge I actually really like.
I think the little chili pepper would look way better if the white plectrum shape around it was gone, though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
His amps sent everything packing.
I had some killer amps, it became pointless,
especially for songwriting/creativity.
I‘d play a Lenz and afterwards,
-whichever amp I was playing is when the difference would cascade over the room.

A builder dude tried to say
“He can make anything sound great”,
-pot calling the kettle wack 🎯.

I have another Lenz coming when he’s finalized it.
60’s Twin Reverb- the Evil Twin.
& shipping today is the 4X10 Zilla I had made for the Twin with 2 Golds + 2 Greenbacks
Fire in the hole!!!!


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Tried to recreate it in Helix. Failed maybe not miserably but what ever is right next to that :LOL:
Was doing fine all up to the end when I realized my gain is way lower than it needs to be. Messed with it a bit, then gave up.

Channeled my inner Jason Sadites :D