Incoming NPD: Halloween Fuzz


I was on Facebook this morning and EQD announced some limited Halloween pedals. They do this every year. It’s usually some old stock stuff they’ve cleaned up and tested to sell on Halloween. There wasn’t a whole lot of stuff I needed to have BUT they did put this guy up.

I guess they made this pedal 10 years ago and only did about 150 of them. They had 12 in their warehouse. I bought one because fuck it, it’s a cool looking fuzz and supposed to be based off the FM-2 Fuzz Master. It sold out within 10 minutes too. It’s safe to say I’m obsessed with Fuzz at this point.
Arrived yesterday! Biggest fuzz I own. Basically a crazy octave fuzz but unlike the unit it’s based off of it has a sweep able tone instead of two fixed positions. Can be scooped or super midrangey or anywhere in between.

Nice!!! Probably close to the Fuzz Master General then, but without the clipping toggle.