HX Stomp DLX REV -vs- NAM Amalgam Tone King Imp 2


I was going to sell my HX Stomp <= past tense

Quick background - NAM on IPad

For the last 2+ months I have been running 4 x Nam Captures + Gigfast Lite + AUM Mixer with an iRig Pro Duo with my IPad Air M1

3 of my 4 core NAM tones are based upon 3 x separate Amalgam Audio Tone King Imperial II Captures - Clean, Crunch and Rock.

I've left the NAM Captures totally stock and only use eq/drive blocks before/after the Captures to adjust to taste

To my ears, they sound and feel f*cking amazing - all they each needed was a mild'ish Clean EQ Boost in front to get them to their sweet spot.

Had some downtime yesterday and hadn't pulled out my Stomp since I got the IPad setup.

I couldn't remember / assumed the Stomp *had* a Tone King - it doesn't - so did some googling and it seems (?) the Tone King Imp MKII is sort of based on a modded (?) Dlx Rev.

HX Stomp

Loaded the same IR and IR settings, loaded up and cranked the Gain on the Dlx Rev and left the Master around ~4.5 <-> ~5 .... hit it with some gentle-to-mild Prince of Tone [Helix's sort of version of the M/Bluesbreaker Pedal] gain. Basically never really even used the Dlx Rev in the Stomp before

Just. F*cking. Wow.

I have *never* given the Stomp Dlx Rev any real chance before as I thought it was just "another Fender" ... but holy sh*t it sounded and felt every bit as good as my NAM-IPad-Amalgam-Capture-Setup ... with a touch more clarity when driven - same IR and IR settings for each rig.

My Lesson ?

=> as many others have said, I now totally concur and understand the "never sell your HX Stomp" philosophy

=> the US Dlx Rev Vib Amp is just shockingly good - I mean genuinely off the charts amazing - don't wait - just try it !!!!!!

=> just with the P.O.T and some minor Amp tweaks its give stunning clean / crunch-EOB / rock rhythms

Only annoying part ?

I wish I had done my homework, before going down the Ipad route - got me re-thinking my whole ring :( :)
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I have *never* given the Stomp Dlx Rev any real chance before as I thought it was just "another Fender"
I already wrote in some posts in the past. Generally I don't like to push the volume input of any amp (with an OD or EQ or compressor before the amp, over the unity level) because imho this gets me harsh or boomy tones. But then I learnt that my "religion" is wrong with some amp circuits, like for example Fender Dlx Rev, Twin, and Vox AC-30. In these cases, goosing the amp input (at least just a little) may give very interesting guitar tones.
L6 has had a bangin’ Deluxe Reverb model in every iteration since the OG POD. The Hx version is amazing and IMO totally flies under the radar.

It has other tricks up its sleeve too if you crank the drive and treble, lower the bass, and put it through a 4x12. DRs aren’t just clean machines.