It seemed like I needed to make some sort of sound clip to show my point, so here’s a
super rough quick and dirty GarageBand recording. (Sorry I did this so quick I didn’t even realize I forgot to tune my bass until after I’d already uploaded it!
… seriously it’s a gross recording and the playing is terrible but it shows the point)
This is WAY more amp changing than I’d normally do, I just wanted to use a ton to show that it’s really not as “jarring” or “incongruous” as some have said, and actually doesn’t make a ton of extra work for the sound guys
Amps used in this clip:
- Marshall Plexi
- Vox AC30
- Fender 5E3 Deluxe
- Mesa Mark IV
- Marshall JTM45
- Peachy Invective
- Line 6 Cartographer
- Marshall JCM800
- Friedman BE100
- Vox AC15
- Fender Deluxe Reverb
- Matchless DC30
- Orange Rockerverb