Happy Bicycle Day

Yeah well, I'm not riding or even sitting my bike until the doc figures out what the heck is wrong in that general area.
Few things bring me instant joy and childlike enthusiasm like riding a bicycle.

Pee Wee Herman Bicycle GIF
Yeah the "baby bullets" aren't supposed to be crimson color amirite? :confused:
Never got to that point, but it was becoming quite painful. I have a friend who had a custom saddle built which pretty much eliminated those issues for him, but I prefer running these days.
Never got to that point, but it was becoming quite painful. I have a friend who had a custom saddle built which pretty much eliminated those issues for him, but I prefer running these days.
My knee's are holding on somewhat ok, but wouldn't handle any more running.
Technically a slight error in that wiki, its the anniversary of the first -intentional- LSD trip... Hoffman had already accidentally absorbed some through his skin before, and then did what any scientist would do and experimented with a much larger intentional dose
My meniscus is torn up, holding together but torn up from sports and injuries in the military.

Generally, I'd recommend not jumping from perfectly good aircraft. or running into large or small stationary objects made from concrete or steel..it's tough on the joints.
I knew Nicholas a bit. He was engaged to a friend of mine at the time of his passing. He was an
amazing guy who ran at an octane most people will never know. Left an huge hole in a lot of
people's lives when he left.

This is still his original ad print being used by the current owners of the company.

Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 23-15-27 Bicycle Delay.png