Had a jam the other night


Rock Star
Richard Cranium
Had a jam the other night with some mates. This was only the 2nd time we'd jammed, but there is a good vibe. Lot of laughter, lot of fun, and a lot of musical overlap. This will probably become a 2nd band for me I think. We're all enjoying it and kicking around names and stuff.


Over a 4 hour rehearsal, I recorded 2 and a half hours and edited it down to the best bits, which is just about an hour. Ultimately from one rehearsal we got 31 promising ideas; melodies, rhythms, riffs, snippets, chunks of song. A bunch of stuff that just needs refining.

I used my Dual Recto and GigRig G3 based pedalboard for it, and had a really enjoyable time. Honestly, it has been a number of years since I enjoyed going into a rehearsal room this much.
Love it when a plan comes together \m/ I also love it when you give these bits and pieces all sorts of dumb names and then start combining the dumb sections together and calling them by name to your bandmates who then sit and wonder what kind of lunatic are they dealing with :LOL:
Love it when a plan comes together \m/ I also love it when you give these bits and pieces all sorts of dumb names and then start combining the dumb sections together and calling them by name to your bandmates who then sit and wonder what kind of lunatic are they dealing with :LOL:
One of them is called "My Dying Bride But Watching Mean Girls At The Same Time"
One of them is called "My Dying Bride But Watching Mean Girls At The Same Time"
I always liked to shout the part names as you are heading into it as if the other 2-3 guys running 100 watt guitar heads and an 800 watt bass amp are going to hear the profane cues :cuss:rofl
Love it when a plan comes together \m/ I also love it when you give these bits and pieces all sorts of dumb names and then start combining the dumb sections together and calling them by name to your bandmates who then sit and wonder what kind of lunatic are they dealing with :LOL:

Working titles are always the best.

My recording folder ends up full of stupid edits and I end up having to use the file dates to work out what the most recent version is.

Random Dumb Name Song
Random Dumb Song Name 2
Random Dumb Song Name - edit 2
Random Dumb Song Name - Final
Random Dumb Song Name - Final 2
Random Dumb Song Name - Balls I forgot to unmute the drums.

I really need to get better at deleting things.
Had another jam today with a mate, for a different project. Also got loads of riffs and cool progressions and what not.

He was playing his Soldano SLO-100, and honestly? It sounded fucking amazing. I was using my Dual Rectifier, and the pair of them together.... was just absolute lush-town.
I'm in Tokyo right now. I had a really weird blues jam in a small bar the other night. Could get maximum 8 people in there, and I was playing a right handed guitar upside down, and I sounded absolutely wank. I tried my best John Lee Hooker impression, but really I must've just sounded like a proper dumbass.

But the other guy was polite enough to tell me I was good when he left lol