Going Retro - Korg MiniKorg 700FS


I've been interested in one of these for a while but thought the asking price was way too high. Still, every once and while I'd make a polite low ball offer for what I was willing to pay. Never thinking it happen. Well this month, it did from a local shop on a brand new unit.

It's quirky and delicious sounding. A very simple and fun synth.

You ever play a Deluge? I started going back down the groove box rabbit hole and stumbled on it again. (While conversing I should probably start with the Novation Circuit or Roland TR-6S)

Yes, I owned a Deluge for awhile. Fun box and interesting design. They just added a screen to it. The lack of that before was part of the reason I sold it. I did make some fun videos with it. Like this poking fun at myself track below.

BTW, I have a mint TR-6S for sale if you're interested.
