EVH 5150 LBX Success!


Found the tube layout here:

Swapped V3 for a Tung Sol 5751 and bam. Red channel is now tamed and an unexpected bonus is that it is now level matched with the Blue channel instead of quieter. Gonna try the same thing on my 50 watt 6L6 head. Might try some others on hand too.

Really works gang. SCORE.

Curious how that works on the Stealth. That was my only gripe with the amp, the Red channel was just ludicrous mode the second the gain knob is touched.
Curious how that works on the Stealth. That was my only gripe with the amp, the Red channel was just ludicrous mode the second the gain knob is touched.
i did it to the 50w stealth,
i THINK it was V2 for fhe red channel input.

and yes, it helps SOOOOO much! i wish i had kept that amp