Basic Audio Scarab Deluxe has one of the coolest and most touch-sensitive gates on it, but it is more
of a Tonebender style circuit. That's one rad pedal. A pedal that plays like an instrument. So cool.
Retro Mechanical Labs Electron Fuzz is another beast when it comes to that kind of gated glitchy-ness.
I just couldn't find the sweet spot with the Deluxe. I tried both the OG Deluxe and the Civil War/Russian
Reissue Deluxe. It was almost like they had too much going on, and you had to set everything just right,
and then even for me that was not quite enough. I much preferred the 3 knob Deluxe Pi that is their OP
Amp Muff Reissue.
The cool thing about Muffs is if you don't like one, there are an hundred dozen more out there that may
be just right for what you are aiming for. Or not.
Stomp Under Foot/SUF, Basic Audio, Mojo Hand FX, and Wren & Cuff all make great Muff variants. A 4th
knob for "Mids" is about all I would personally add to that circuit. You can easily stack a 3 knob Muff with
something else (ala Gilmour, or Corgan) to get it to bump up the Mids a bit.