Educate Me on P90 Sounds (Modern day)


I am looking at possible P90 guitar, but I'd like to acquaint myself with popular recordings of P90s in a modern day context.

Looking for YT/audio clips and recommendations of popular music recorded with P90s!

The ones I am familiar (and in love with, not on a modern day context though..)
1. Iommi's pieces from Black Sabbath Vol4, Master of Reality
2. Santana - Abraxxas, Santana, (Samaba Pa Ti is my favourite)
3. David Gilmour's P90 solo from The Wall.

Styles I love: rock, metal, blues, lofi-chill (believe it or not)
Here’s some rock examples.

Gary Clark Jr has used an Epiphone Casino prominently live, and likely on record.

Social Distortion is a P90 Les Paul in a 90s punk context, most famously associated with a Blonde Bassman.

The distorted tone on Weezer’s Blue Album was a a Les Paul Special DC into a Mesa Mark I.

American Idiot-era Green Day, but it might not have been exclusively P90 on the album.

Nick Valensi of the Strokes plays a P90 Riviera, and the early stuff was probably that guitar on one side of the recordings.

Jared James Nichols is a somewhat recent guitarist with a sig P90-loaded Epiphone.
If a little 60 cycle hum bothers you start running now. :LOL:

A little noise never dissuaded me, but some people and their rigs/environments
can be super sensitive to bothersome issues like hum and buzz. P90s will give
you that, and then some. :idk
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Took an Epiphone SG Special P90 from L&M for a test drive today to get a feel for P90s.. Starting to get the gist, and starting to understand why people love it. It grows on you, and can start to get quite satisfying and addictive. Still a very different beast than single-coils or humbuckers.

Iommi's were Custom (From

"The original Gibson P90 in the bridge was rewound, and the neck pickup was swapped for a custom "Simplux" P90-style neck pickup wound by John Birch - the aim being to reduce the propensity of the Gibson version to squeal with feedback.").

60 cycle hum is an American issue. Other countries, such as the UK, don't have it (50 cycle instead) and have no idea why people complain about it. I have never had any such issue with any pickup/guitar.

Reverend Humcutters (Billy Corgan) are Modern P90's. I have an Airsonic W with them and love it. But in Australia all the hum talk is baffling.
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If a little 60 cycle hum bothers you start running now. :LOL:

A little noise never dissuaded me, but some people and their rigs/environments
can be super sensitive to bothersome issues like hum and buzz. P90s will give
you that, and then some. :idk

oof this. last i recorded at a studio in brooklyn, i had to stand in the most bizarre ways to forestall the buzz from hell.. absolute brutality. LOVE the sound... but god help you in the wrong circumstances.

seconded- live at leeds. absolute epitome of godlike p90 use and abuse. also- if you dig such 90s things, chavez had both guitarists on p90 lesters. amazing guitar sounds live and otherwise.