Do Something - Season Two - Week TWO!


TGF Recording Artist
Great start to season two! Here's what's going on so far:

Regular weekly/bi-weekly challenge:

@Iron1 - 1
@TravisG406 - 2
@FuzzyAce - 6!!
@Alex Kenivel - 1
@Whizzinby - 1

That's 11 pieces of music that didn't exist prior to this challenge. Way to go!

The rest of TGF combined: ZEEE ROE. Come on people! :facepalm:rofl

TGF Do Something Season Two BANDMATE CHAMPION:


Ok, time to get going with Week Two.


Season Two is off to a great start so far! Congrats to all who have participated already! For all the rules, etc., please refer to the Week One thread.
Don't hold back Iron -- we know you have like 5-10 tracks just waiting in the wings.:grin

Actually, been caught up doing other creative stuff lately, so won't be cranking 'em out this season. Maybe next.

This one I actually spent a few days on. Wanted to do vocals, but the allergies are legit right now and don't see the upside in trying to power through that for vocals. Might come back to it later... but knowing myself, I probably won't. :rofl

I used the HighWind Amplification reverb pedal I won from last season (thanks @Mongillo19 and @DrewJD82 !) on this one, along with my Solar A2.6CAR, B.C. Rich Blood Bound Warbeast and my Jackson Pro HT7 (for cleans only).

This is also the longest song I think I've ever written, so thanks in advance to any/every-one who hangs in there thru the entire thing!


Actually, been caught up doing other creative stuff lately, so won't be cranking 'em out this season. Maybe next.

This one I actually spent a few days on. Wanted to do vocals, but the allergies are legit right now and don't see the upside in trying to power through that for vocals. Might come back to it later... but knowing myself, I probably won't. :rofl

I used the HighWind Amplification reverb pedal I won from last season (thanks @Mongillo19 and @DrewJD82 !) on this one, along with my Solar A2.6CAR, B.C. Rich Blood Bound Warbeast and my Jackson Pro HT7 (for cleans only).

This is also the longest song I think I've ever written, so thanks in advance to any/every-one who hangs in there thru the entire thing!

Sounds great!
I'm going to try to do better than 1 point this Season. :bag Bummed that I already missed week 1.

I've been working on a solo arrangement of Goodbye Porkpie Hat for... well, actually, for longer than I'd care to admit... and I finally decided to just lay down a couple of choruses and throw some other stuff on top and see what kind of "composition" emerges. But I'm way out of my depth here; fatigue quickly set in and I had to keep this short. There are a few clams, and the more instrumentation that comes in, the clearer it becomes that I didn't start out in tune. Apologies to those of you who hear "intervals and stuff". :rofl

Anyway, this came together in just a couple of hours. I'm thrilled with the way Jam Origin MIDI Guitar and SoundFont Pro are working out on iPad, and I'm getting a real "workflow" going in Ableton. Hopefully I can maintain a little momentum this time.

EDIT: Listening with earbuds now. Jeebus this gets rough after ~1:50. Will def. be revising ASAP.
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I'm going to try to do better than 1 point this Season. :bag Bummed that I already missed week 1.

I've been working on a solo arrangement of Goodbye Porkpie Hat for... well, actually, for longer than I'd care to admit... and I finally decided to just lay down a couple of choruses and throw some other stuff on top and see what kind of "composition" emerges. But I'm way out of my depth here; fatigue quickly set in and I had to keep this short. There are a few clams, and the more instrumentation that comes in, the clearer it becomes that I didn't start out in tune. Apologies to those of you who hear "intervals and stuff". :rofl

Anyway, this came together in just a couple of hours. I'm thrilled with the way Jam Origin MIDI Guitar and SoundFont Pro are working out on iPad, and I'm getting a real "workflow" going in Ableton. Hopefully I can maintain a little momentum this time.

Sounds great! Excellent dynamics and the horns are very nice as well!
I'm going to try to do better than 1 point this Season. :bag Bummed that I already missed week 1.

I've been working on a solo arrangement of Goodbye Porkpie Hat for... well, actually, for longer than I'd care to admit... and I finally decided to just lay down a couple of choruses and throw some other stuff on top and see what kind of "composition" emerges. But I'm way out of my depth here; fatigue quickly set in and I had to keep this short. There are a few clams, and the more instrumentation that comes in, the clearer it becomes that I didn't start out in tune. Apologies to those of you who hear "intervals and stuff". :rofl

Anyway, this came together in just a couple of hours. I'm thrilled with the way Jam Origin MIDI Guitar and SoundFont Pro are working out on iPad, and I'm getting a real "workflow" going in Ableton. Hopefully I can maintain a little momentum this time.

Love the guitar tones, and the horns totally caught me off guard - in a good way. Keep 'em coming!
Love the guitar tones, and the horns totally caught me off guard - in a good way. Keep 'em coming!
Thanks, man! The clean guitar tone is a mystery meat Engl Blackmore capture from the QC factory content. (If the captures are to be trusted, I sure do want this amp.) The heavier tone in the intro is the QC model of a Marshall Plexi 50W (jumped).

Adding the horns was an exciting moment. I didn't realize how bored I'd gotten with guitar until I heard those new timbres on top. My ears and my brain are lit up like a Christmas tree. :D The only downside is the samples really call out any issues your guitar and bass tracks might have in terms of tuning/ intonation. (And I grabbed a cheapo Ibanez with a Floyd when I started... because isn't that how everybody records a jazz standard?)

Good fun, though. Dying to record more, whereas I'm usually dreading it.
I have hit a writers block this week, (Which I say in jest considering the crap I record lol) but it’s not for the lack of trying. I sat down the last few days intent on getting something going and nothing felt remotely worth tracking. Im hoping I can pull something out of my ass tomorrow before the deadline.
I've been tweaking the mix on this for the last few days getting it ready to track vocals, not my normal metal thing at all and reminds me more of Foo Fighters and RHCP having a party for Floyd. :rofl This is the tune I did that Saturday Night solo vid for a while ago, it just took me forever to track the whole song. This is definitely a headphone song, all kinds of ear candy going on during the choruses.

Outside of guitars, there's only drums, bass and an organ in it, but there's 27 guitar tracks. :guiness

Screen Shot 2023-05-13 at 1.04.45 AM.png

I think it's all the Gilmour Strat, aside from the acoustics, the main guitar parts are a Superlead in the AxeFX, any fuzzy/octave stuff is a Dover Drive GE with a whammy in front of the Superlead. I also tried ripping off Gilmour's tone from "One Of These Days" or "Sorrow" from PULSE, it's on some slide guitars in the chorus. Oh, and the talk box tracks. Those were just a Iron Bell pedal into the talk box, I added any delays on them in Logic.
Sounding awesome @DrewJD82 ! Digging the tones you're getting. Especially that lead break with the neck pickup, late in the song.

I really wanted to post at least 1 track this week but won't be back in town til Sunday. Like a big dummy I don't have a portable rig with me.
I've been tweaking the mix on this for the last few days getting it ready to track vocals, not my normal metal thing at all and reminds me more of Foo Fighters and RHCP having a party for Floyd. :rofl This is the tune I did that Saturday Night solo vid for a while ago, it just took me forever to track the whole song. This is definitely a headphone song, all kinds of ear candy going on during the choruses.

Outside of guitars, there's only drums, bass and an organ in it, but there's 27 guitar tracks. :guiness

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I think it's all the Gilmour Strat, aside from the acoustics, the main guitar parts are a Superlead in the AxeFX, any fuzzy/octave stuff is a Dover Drive GE with a whammy in front of the Superlead. I also tried ripping off Gilmour's tone from "One Of These Days" or "Sorrow" from PULSE, it's on some slide guitars in the chorus. Oh, and the talk box tracks. Those were just a Iron Bell pedal into the talk box, I added any delays on them in Logic.

27 Guitar tracks? Really? Someone is trying way too hard here. :hugitout

Did a great job of building momentum and tossing something new
in each time around.

One of the great things about being your own dude is you can do whatever the fuck you want,
when you want, and how you want. I want to be a dude someday. :LOL:

Can't wait to hear the entire thing with Vox, Rev. I know it will be bad-ass and epic. :chef

That Talk-Box dub (all 4 of them??) pops like a Mofo. Tasty!
I've been tweaking the mix on this for the last few days getting it ready to track vocals, not my normal metal thing at all and reminds me more of Foo Fighters and RHCP having a party for Floyd. :rofl This is the tune I did that Saturday Night solo vid for a while ago, it just took me forever to track the whole song. This is definitely a headphone song, all kinds of ear candy going on during the choruses.

Outside of guitars, there's only drums, bass and an organ in it, but there's 27 guitar tracks. :guiness

View attachment 7285

I think it's all the Gilmour Strat, aside from the acoustics, the main guitar parts are a Superlead in the AxeFX, any fuzzy/octave stuff is a Dover Drive GE with a whammy in front of the Superlead. I also tried ripping off Gilmour's tone from "One Of These Days" or "Sorrow" from PULSE, it's on some slide guitars in the chorus. Oh, and the talk box tracks. Those were just a Iron Bell pedal into the talk box, I added any delays on them in Logic.

I wanna come over and just watch you work!