Dann Huff Pickguard


Is there anyone that you can recommend who can build me a fully loaded Dann Huff pickguard with clones of the JB and Hot Stacks along with the pickup toggle switches for series, parallel, and split? I don’t really want the preamp and mid boost. I just want the toggle switches along with a push pull that can engage both the bridge and neck pickup. The loaded pickguard from Tyler is ridiculously expensive!
Is there anyone that you can recommend who can build me a fully loaded Dann Huff pickguard with clones of the JB and Hot Stacks along with the pickup toggle switches for series, parallel, and split? I don’t really want the preamp and mid boost. I just want the toggle switches along with a push pull that can engage both the bridge and neck pickup. The loaded pickguard from Tyler is ridiculously expensive!
The pre amp is very important to the design. Also use the same parts, you won’t save much by changing it.