Can you use modulation to thicken your sound?


Yesterday I stumbled across some rig rundown video on youtube. I only watched a few seconds of it. My phone browser was acting up, so I couldn't even focus on the player's name. I think it had some guitar magazine's logo and the video quality was grainy.

I saw that he mentioned that he uses modulation (I vaguely remember seeing a phase 90 amongst other pedals) to thicken his sound.

Does anyone here also do this?

I am curious about it. There is so much to learn about effects and music in general. Every day I hear something new.

Will you please point me to a sound clip or a video where a guitarist uses some form of modulation this way?
A chorus/phaser/flanger with a low rate is a popular choice to run in front of an amp as a tonal enhancer, as opposed to with a high rate/depth for more pronounced "wobbly" effects.

I did a video a while ago comparing a chorus, flanger & phaser for various styles.

Here's a comparison between some stereo modulation effect types to make the guitar sound wider

Will you please point me to a sound clip or a video where a guitarist uses some form of modulation this way?

We're all gonna have different examples but this guy lives in my heart. Now no longer with us but Geordie Walker was a monster in terms of achieving a big guitar sound. He used a Bell Electrolabs A.D.T Module System delay pedal in stereo to two Burman amps.
