BFD Player has snuck out into the wild


Shameless shilling for @Orvillain here, really, but he did promise me a reach-around and half a bottle of warm beer, which is the best offer I've had in a long time.

Official info and download link etc. here. I'm so amateur at this stuff it's unbelievable, but I've had a quick play and it looks pretty nifty to an ignoramous. Certainly step up from MTPowerDrumKit2 which my cheapskate soul had just about managed to pay for but couldn't justify spending proper money on anything else. So as a freebie gateway drug to spending horrible amounts of money down the line, it looks like a useful tool to have.

Also, if anyone gets into it and uses Reaper, I've already typed out a note name file from the Quick Start guide; if it's of use I'll post it as a comment here.
Cheers dude!!

Yes! We've soft-launched this thing today!!

Fancy a 5GB drumkit for absolutely free? Sign on the dotted line. Cheers!

The eco-system of drum sounds and groove packs will be growing out in due course. Got some great stuff coming up.