Behringer Klone

It certainly wasn't anal vapor free, because the only way to really, truly know the Klon is to huff Bill Finnegan's fart fumes in every Klon Centaur and Klon KTR chassis sold.

I build pedals so I find the minutiae of circuits fascinating. Why they work the way they do, what you can change to make it more to your personal taste, which parts need to be just right for the classic sounds etc.

For some reason in the digital/modelling section it's totally fine to endlessly go over the minutiae of UI, settings and the accuracy of models to the real thing but with pedals if you try and talk about parts or the reasons why some clones aren't accurate to the real thing well then you're sniffing Bills farts or giving him a reach around apparently.
I build pedals so I find the minutiae of circuits fascinating. Why they work the way they do, what you can change to make it more to your personal taste, which parts need to be just right for the classic sounds etc.

For some reason in the digital/modelling section it's totally fine to endlessly go over the minutiae of UI, settings and the accuracy of models to the real thing but with pedals if you try and talk about parts or the reasons why some clones aren't accurate to the real thing well then you're sniffing Bills farts or giving him a reach around apparently.
Lol, way to misconstrue what I've stated. You are being disingenuous.
You are being disingenuous.

I'm absolutely not. Outside of the fight with eagle and everyone else there's just comments about just buy a Nux, a soul food, no one will ever know the difference etc. My posts are all related to the differences I've found between original klons and most Klones I've played/taken apart.
I'm absolutely not. Outside of the fight with eagle and everyone else there's just comments about just buy a Nux, a soul food, no one will ever know the difference etc. My posts are all related to the differences I've found between original klons and most Klones I've played/taken apart.
You took issue with what I said to MirrorProfiles even though it had nothing to do with you. That's on you.
To be honest, I'd never expect someone who owns something that sells at a premium/coveted to admit that a run-of-the-mill version of that product is basically the same, regardless of whether it's true or not.
Whether it's gear, cars, watches whatever... I've never seen it happen.

It's like the guy in the Armani suit feeling like he looks like a million dollars, while for the other people on the room he's just a guy in a suit. Human nature 101.
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To be honest, I'd never expect someone who owns something that sells at a premium/coveted to admit that a run-of-the-mill product is basically same, regardless of whether it's true or not.
Whether it's gear, cars, watches whatever... I've never seen it happen.

It's like the guy in the Armani suit feeling like he looks like a million dollars, while for the other people on the room he's just a guy in a suit. Human nature 101.
Yeah, but what about the Unicorn Farts diodes that are essential to the pedal (even though most don't even engage much of, because they keep the gain pot pretty low)? Only $5,000+ can afford real Unicorn Farts to your tone!

Had the person in question just been like, "I feel that a lot/most Klones might get the sound, but don't quite get the feel and interaction with the rest of the rig right," that would've been fine. That is far from what they did, though.
Nobody pays 7K for a Klon because chancers try to sell them for silly money after Josh Scott’s tongue in cheek video a while back .
I think the Warm Audio Centavo is as good as the original if not better with the Jeff Beck mode.
The JHS NOTAKLON is equally as good.
My mate is calling in on Boxing Day to drop off one of his originals and his 1972 Fender Bassman for me to play with and sample for my Kemper .
I can then see how it performs up against the new Behringer.
Something already tells me the Behringer is a bargain buy though 🤘🍺
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Nobody pays 7K for a Klon because chancers try to sell them for silly money after Josh Scott’s tongue in cheek video a while back .
I think the Warm Audio Centavo is as good as the original if not better with the Jeff Beck mode.
The JHS NOTAKLON is equally as good.
My mate is calling in on Boxing Day to drop of one of his originals and his 1972 Fender Bassman for me to play with and sample for my Kemper .
I can then see how it performs up against the new Behringer.
Something already tells me the Behringer is a bargain buy though 🤘🍺
Oh, boy. This could potentially end up being another 15 pages.