Behold! A mighty deal was struck! NAD! Recto content….



You can keep your reissue! I’ve wanted a Roadster since the launched. Got this fucker for $1300. Looks mint. Like show room mint.

Seller was awesome and packed it great. Now I just need to decide if it need black knobs…
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Sweet! And since you didn't ask, I won't say the contrast btw black and chrome knobs looks great! :grin

How does the Roadster and RK differ?
The roadster has always evaded me. Now I have the itch again with all this recto news as of late.

Killer score man!
Thanks! He was only asking $1450 shipped but you know I'm cheap AF! Glad he accepted my offer.

Rando question…what shelving system is that or custom maybe?
They’re from IKEA. Jeremy from Ground Zero Ampworks turned my on to them.

I scored a Roadster for $1375 new after it had been sitting in a warehouse for a while after they were discontinued. Great amp! LOADS of sound options. It's a 4 channel beast!
Yeah man folks talk a lot o’ mess about these but fuck me, this vid sold me AGAIN on grabbing it

Congrats!! I really want to grab another one of these. Such killer amps

And definitely the best value for a recto out there imo!
They’re from IKEA. Jeremy from Ground Zero Ampworks turned my on to them.
Ah even better—I’ll do some digging.

Jeremy does great work! My favorite recto currently is an old beat to shit rev F that he modded a little while back.
I sometimes consider these when they pop up on the used market for around 1300-1400 €, but it's usually the ridiculously heavy combos, located somewhere way far away.

But when I listen to clips I always find that I like the probably Lonestar based clean channel, but the overdrive channels sound too dark. How do you feel about this?
Ah even better—I’ll do some digging.

Jeremy does great work! My favorite recto currently is an old beat to shit rev F that he modded a little while back.
That IKEA shelf looks like it might be Besta. Which it probably should be because that seems to be their sturdiest and best line of shelving.