Anyone Using Half Round Strings on Electric?

Nobody you know plays them, end of story. lmao.

I've got some full flats on my Cutlass at the moment :rofl

So I'm telling you there's a chance!

Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 18.57.03.png
I wouldn't bother. If you really want to try something a little different, but still "normal" the GHS Nickel Rockers are great.
Lol, I like them. I used them on my no. 1 earlier this year and it was nice change. Was just thinking of getting some more so this thread is timely. I'm one of those that enjoys flat wounds every so often though so take my opinion for what it is. The half rounds do have a smoother attack and feel great under the fingers imo. They may just be the perfect strings for an inherently bright guitar because of the added warmness they bring.
Give them a try!