Adding remote bypass switches to pedals?


I have a mooer pitchbox and thinking about a mooer preamp x2, but I'd like to be able to bypass them with a control out switch from my helix. Have you seen a page showing how you would mod this in? Not sure I can just wire to the existing fottswitch on the pitchbox
Is this really not a thing? I figured there would be all sorts of ways to do this, given how much pedals have come back
Found it. The “Imp” or “Goblin” will let you add midi capability (within reason) to any effect pedal:

Might be excessive for your application. But it’s an option.
Are you running other pedals in that same chain? If not, just leave the pedal on and toggle its loop on/off in Helix.

Otherwise you might consider adding a loop switcher to your setup. The Morningstar ML5 is fully MIDI controllable and compact. You'd connect one the Helix loops to the ML5, then connect your pedals to the ML5 loops and use MIDI to toggle those loops on/off. This is really only if you don't have enough loops on Helix itself for what you need.

I don't think you could mod the Imp/Goblin stuff into pedals as small as the Mooers.
Are you running other pedals in that same chain? If not, just leave the pedal on and toggle its loop on/off in Helix.

Otherwise you might consider adding a loop switcher to your setup. The Morningstar ML5 is fully MIDI controllable and compact. You'd connect one the Helix loops to the ML5, then connect your pedals to the ML5 loops and use MIDI to toggle those loops on/off. This is really only if you don't have enough loops on Helix itself for what you need.

I don't think you could mod the Imp/Goblin stuff into pedals as small as the Mooers.

In this case, A MIDI loop switcher would be the way I'd go too, if you don't want to do this in the Helix itself. I'd go the MorningStar, RJM or an old Axess piece, but there are many MIDI switchers out there, second hand even.

To go the relay remote method from the Helix would probably mean a DIY job that you might be spending as much or more, in time and money on a one-off solution.

But the existing MIDI loop switcher deal can already be driven by your Helix over MIDI, is expandable into other ideas with remote bypassing more gear down the line (dare I say, an investment) and might be easier to move on than say, a modified pedal or a custom relay-remote box.

Interested to see how you solve this one(y)
If you're running via the effects loop of the Helix, like @laxu said, just toggle the loop.

You can always use an external expression on/off toggle for that, if you wanna save yourself a precious Helix footswitch. ;)