
Excellent news. (Just subscribed to the beta distribution*!)

I only wish JO would give the iOS version a little more love. An amp modeler connected to an iPad running MIDI Guitar is such a killer combination, but they haven't improved that version of the app in a zillion years or so. :/

(I still think it works great... provided you leave pitch bend disabled. The minute you enable pitch bend, you start getting all kinds of weirdness when you "defret" notes.)

*Dammit Mac only. :(
I bought Midi Guitar 2 a very long time ago and just noticed the invitation email. Thanks! I wouldn't have noticed it otherwise.
This looks pretty amazing. MPE support! (May be of interest to @Sascha Franck?)

Lots of cool features. Some weird naming conventions for the mods. Standardized naming for LFOs, Envelopes, Mod ranges, etc. would be less confusing to experienced synth nerds like myself.

Nothing in that video about improved tracking? That's where the rubber meets the road. Without that, hard pass.
Lots of cool features. Some weird naming conventions for the mods. Standardized naming for LFOs, Envelopes, Mod ranges, etc. would be less confusing to experienced synth nerds like myself.

Nothing in that video about improved tracking? That's where the rubber meets the road. Without that, hard pass.
I thought the same about the naming. Just assumed it was some kind of conventional MPE terminology I wasn't hip to.

Tracking is still a "YMMV" to me. I find Jam Origin to be really fast and accurate, with the one caveat I keep harping on about pitch bend screwing up note off events. But my first reaction was a similar, "Don't add features; make the existing feature set perform better!"

Then I looked at what MPE, etc. brings to the table and thought...


But I won't be buying a Mac anytime soon, so nothing changes for me anyway. :/
Tracking is still a "YMMV" to me. I find Jam Origin to be really fast and accurate, with the one caveat I keep harping on about pitch bend screwing up note off events. But my first reaction was a similar, "Don't add features; make the existing feature set perform better!"

There's some physics that creates a limit on how short the latency could be (theoretically speaking), the time for the wave for a low E to complete a cycle.

That alone is around 12ms which is about the threshold where it bugs many people.
There's some physics that creates a limit on how short the latency could be (theoretically speaking), the time for the wave for a low E to complete a cycle.

That alone is around 12ms which is about the threshold where it bugs many people.
Right, but this suggests that every other solution will hit that same limit. Someone mentioned the GM800 using a faster algorithm based on "transients", but I'm not exactly clear as to what that means.

Of course, JO has to do a lot more processing to parse out all of the individual fundamentals from a signal audio source, so at least in theory, I would expect a hardware solution with hex pickup to be faster. But honestly, that's never been my experience. (Disclaimer: I haven't tried the GM800 yet.)