
I'm understanding the statement as "I like big heavy things" more than any kind of "this gear vs that gear" notion. I'll pop come corn later :idk
I get what he's saying.

And I know, feedback is just the amp getting picked up by the speakers, but different guitars feel differently when feeding back and very much like Vai, Satch and EJ who have specific things they look for in a live setting, Adam is no different.


Look at the amount of speakers he's got pointed at him. All that stuff is part of his thing to do what he does. Guy is playing feedback 30% of the night.
The best sounding guitar I ever had was also the heaviest I ever had, a USA Washburn P3. I don't know if it was coincidence or not. The lightest guitars I've owned (Washburn Steve Salas and Ibanez RG from the 90s) have been the thinnest sounding.
Yeah I feel similar. I mean, my Orville isn't even THAT heavy by Les Paul standards. It is about 4kg, which isn't the heaviest I've heard of LP-wise, but it feels really solid.

I've played lighter guitars in the past, and they feel like you're playing a toothpick.

I uses to own a very heavy all mahogany Dean double neck. To me there is no correlation between how good a guitar sounds and its weight.