Wrote an instrumental tune


Staff member

Despite growing up listening to instrumental guitar music, I've never had any desire to write something like that. The main melody fell out the day I got my Orville and I built a song around it, intended for vocals, but I could never come up with any melodies outside the chorus. I used it as a backing track to warm up with and figured I'd just make it an instrumental after enough time hearing it as one.

Last weekend I went apeshit recording every setup I own, AxeFX, real amps into the AxeFX, real amps into real cabs, AxeFX into a cab, there's a mix of all of it on here and the way I labeled the tracks, I don't even know what's on there anymore. The only thing I know is that I've never questioned a tune as much as this, there's no shredding or guitar olympics which is fairly common with instrumental tunes, I just wasn't feelin' it with this one and most of the time I had a "Why bother?" mindset with it.
Great vibes, it goes places. Nice melodic leads, I hear plenty of slow burn in there.
percussion is real solid too!
That's awesome Drew! :banana
You should do more instrumentals. (y)

I feel quite inadequate stepping in that territory, most certainly as a result of growing up on Vai and EJ. I can bang out tune with vocals and not think twice about it, but I had to force myself to post this one and if the Do Something challenge weren’t starting this week I probably wouldn’t have gotten it done at all. The scratch tracks have a bunch of shreddy stuff on them and part of me wishes I kept them in the final takes, but I was sick of hearing/playing it. :rofl