Who Painted the Boulder? Better Pic added.


Rock Star
Things that make you go hmmmmmm...

View outside our front door.


A few miles in the distance is a small mountain with lots of rock outcroppings and boulders.

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This one has been entirely (from my view with binoculars) painted a bright yellow.


I figure the thing's gotta be at least 10-15 feet tall and is almost perfectly egg shaped.
Thing is it's in the middle of no-where. Gotta be a bitch of a hike to get to it, let
alone bring supplies to paint it. Far as I can tell with 15x52 lenses is there's no
graffiti on it and the paint job looks really well done.

Can't find any mention of it on the web at all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Which reminds me, in around 2012 I saw someone trying to film fighter jets flying over San Francisco...with an iPad. They were basically getting a video of a blue sky with a black dot moving.
At least he wasn’t holding the iPad up in front of you at a concert trying to film the band. I’ve seen this and it’s every bit as obnoxious as it sounds.