What is your experience with the Roland JC-22?


I Perform ambient music at open mic and a few local markets. I currently use a late 60's drip edge Fender champ with a Boss DD-8 delay pedal

I am looking to get another small amp to use For a stereo setup or just to replace the champ. I'm considering the Roland instead of running 2 small amps out of convenience, or possibly a fender tonemaster Princeton
To run with the champ

I like the idea of not using the champ at all because it's actually worth a bit of money at this point, and open mic's are the absolute worst for theft these days. I hate carrying my amp with me to the bathroom to take a leak. People know that vintage Fender amps are worth money, amd those little champs are just so easy to pick up and walk away with Unlike most vintage Fender amps that are boat anchors.

Opinions on the Roland and Princeton Tonemaster.

Maybe some other small amp I can pick up in the $500 range used.