What battery powered speaker/amp?

Lately I record “on the couch”…running logic on an ipad, and using a Kemper player to output the guitarDI to the daw, and to monitor while recording. Daw returns to the KPA player also. In the case of serious recordings I import the recorded DI to my studio setup, and reamp there.
I really like it, I record more, and since I practice mostly on the couch..I seem to play better…and the “redlightsyndroom” is less.

I’d like to add a small speaker to the setup so I don’t have to wear headphones (when the misses is out)

- full range
- sounds pleasant…doesn’t have to be studiograde…comfortable is fine.
- battery powered (build in, not AA batteries)
- auxiliary/straight to poweramp input
- small enough to fit the armrest of my couch

Nice to haves:
- even though very small..a powerhouse like for example EV Everse8 that can be usefull “at a gig” (everse8 is to big however)
- audiointerface
- bluetooth audio
- amp modeling
- looks nice enough to leave in the living

ATM..Yamaha THR seems like a good option, even though I don’t expect to use the amp modeling.

What else should I look at?
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I like the Yamaha THR stuff.

But you could just buy one of the Marshall Bluetooth speakers and plug your Kemper into it. I tried this with the 1st gen Marshall Acton and a Strymon Iridium and it was not bad! It didn't get particularly loud, but it sounded pleasant.

Bonus points is that you now have a portable BT speaker.
I like the Yamaha THR stuff.

But you could just buy one of the Marshall Bluetooth speakers and plug your Kemper into it. I tried this with the 1st gen Marshall Acton and a Strymon Iridium and it was not bad! It didn't get particularly loud, but it sounded pleasant.

Bonus points is that you now have a portable BT speaker.
Indeed…lots of regular Bluetooth speakers could do the trick..didn’t think of that..as long as it has an aux input.
Headrush go is a new candidate also
I'd also say the Spark 2 but if you do not intend to use built in amp modeling it's a waste of money since you would have to buy the battery as well which is extra ~ +$90.

- auxiliary/straight to poweramp input
What do you mean by that? Aux input or line out?
Don't know if has a "flat" mode, but the new Boss Katana Mini X ticks a lot of those boxes.

EDIT: Yeah, the Clean amp model with the variation switch on is supposed to be 100% flat response.
Maybe the Joyo BSK-40? Don't know how it sounds (I've got one on order), but it looks like they threw everything besides the kitchen sink.
And maybe that too (I haven't read the manual yet). BT AND OTG AND Aux In. Need to see how it sound with my modelers (which sound great thru my Headrush "FRFR" Go).
Good candidate…hyped in reviews…on the pricy side for its functions, but if that translates to better audio Q..

The MiniRig 3 performs well. The 4 should be even better. Surprisingly loud. Fairly flat response curve (better than many studio moniters at that price). Low end is fine, but you can make the speaker buzz at the low end if you push it (somewhat correctable by EQ). Low latency aux in and battery lasts far more than I need.

The firmware on the device and the mobile app leave a lot to be desired, but I've worked past those issues.