Massive progress yesterday.
I was getting cheesed by some elevated cannon/crossbow after working through the courtyard people in StormVeil and about to give up, but on a play through while fighting the fat slob guy at the back I triggered the eagle with the gimp mask to the left which showed there was something in that direction. Those gimp eagles are friggin annoying. I’d dealt with some of the easier ones climbing the castle but these fire breathing ones suckkk. Down to one flask I got past them and saw the troll at the end of the courtyard, but found the tarnished chick chilling in a side room. There was no way I was going to beat that troll and his minions with one flask so I just decided to YOLO and try to run past them, and thankfully I found the grace on the other side of them by the mist. Quickly rested at the grace and then before triggering the myst saw you can call on that tarnished chick to help you with whatever is on the other side of the myst.
Dayyum. One shot, one kill. What a fight. I was completely amazed to take him out first try. Between the help from the tarnished chick and my beloved jellyfish, we just chip chip chipped away at him. I had a couple really well timed rolls through big attacks. When he levels up mid way…
The way they do those cutscenes for the big bosses is awesome. Sets an awesome tone for the fights. When he goes dragon arms that was legitimately a badass use of cutscenes to reset the fight.
Thank the lord I’m out of StormVeil!
I did a torrent run to unlock some graces at the lakes areas. Holy crap, I thought I had done a lot of the map, but sooo much to explore up there.
I ended up going back to Elleh to do my level up with my StormVeil loot and decided to take on the Tree Sentinel again…
He whipped me a handful of times again with the wolves. I flipped back to old Jelly and was able to kill him after three attempts. Big energy moment. But…. he doesn’t respawn.
I tried to go back to some areas in Weeping peninsula and when I came back I was really sad to see he’s not there anymore. I kind of liked having horse gigantor there to sneak past and just look badass.
He will be missed.
I found some boss by the big tree down south that whipped me real good. I need to go back and fight him then head north to explore the new areas above StormVeil.