TONEX Tone Capture


Hi, I'm new here and I don't see this answered anywhere. I'm not committed yet, but I have a question about the TONEX Capture because I'm very new to that tech. Is it possible to capture the tone of a pair of pedals? I use a combo of a J. Rocket Blue Note Pro Series (hot mode) and 2x12 cab sim as an amp sound, as if it was a Blue Note 2x12 combo. I'm interested in capturing that sound and transferring it to the new TONEX One if that's even possible. If note, I'll stick with the current setup (although I'm still interested in the mini pedal; perpetual GAS). Thanks!
Is it possible to capture the tone of a pair of pedals?
So both pedals on running into the amp? Yes you could capture that whole signal chain. You could also just capture both pedals on and use the Tone X as those two pedals on at the same time

If that makes sense
So both pedals on running into the amp? Yes you could capture that whole signal chain. You could also just capture both pedals on and use the Tone X as those two pedals on at the same time

If that makes sense
Thanks! That's what I'd be looking for: The Blue Note into a 2x12 cab sim, so I'm not using the Blue Note as a standard preamp/overdrive pedal into the front of a clean amp. So my pedalboard is: Blue Note→2x12 cab sim→detune→delay→reverb to board. I'm interested in capturing my Blue Note/cab sim combo. just to further shrink my pedalboard.
Nah you don't need a specific tone x branded device fortunately
But you do need a capture device right? Would an Audio Interface like a Focusrite works? Sorry, totally new to captured and the ToneX manual didn’t seem to cover it. Either that or I was way too tired reading it at 3am!

The things we do for love…
But you do need a capture device right? Would an Audio Interface like a Focusrite works? Sorry, totally new to captured and the ToneX manual didn’t seem to cover it. Either that or I was way too tired reading it at 3am!

The things we do for love…
From my understanding you just need a DI box. If you are using an amp you will either need a loadbox or feed the mic from the cab (with the amp connected to the cab)

The DI box feeds into the interface. But I'm not the most knowledgeable on this lol