Tired Of Intonating Your Floyd? Get This! (Red Bishop)


TGF Recording Artist
This thing fucking rules; got one a year ago off of Amazon (around $50 IIRC).

Basic premise is - it holds your (loose) saddle in place while you turn the thumbwheel to move the (loose) saddle forward or backward to intonate, so you can precisely intonate.

So, first you adjust it to fit the first saddle you're intonating, then unlock the saddle, then intonate, then lock the saddle. Rinse and repeat on the other saddles.

High quality and built like a brick shithouse.

There are different models for different brand trems.

Home website:

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This thing fucking rules; got one a year ago off of Amazon (around $50 IIRC).

Basic premise is - it holds your (loose) saddle in place while you turn the thumbwheel to move the (loose) saddle forward or backward to intonate, so you can precisely intonate.

So, first you adjust it to fit the first saddle you're intonating, then unlock the saddle, then intonate, then lock the saddle. Rinse and repeat on the other saddles.

High quality and built like a brick shithouse.

There are different models for different brand trems.

Home website:

Well I agree on this , have had one for years.
The one in the pic is the one to get it fits almost everything.
I've got the original version of a thing like this. Pretty essential for Floyds, saves so much pain and grief.
Looks like it’s well designed and machined.

I have the cheaper Philadelphia Luthier Tools version. It’s a little sloppy, but it doesn’t get used that often.