The Social Testament - A Video Modern Musical


After nearly 4 months of production... Premiering tomorrow, August 11th noon NYC time, is my new video album release, "The Social Testament". The Social Testament is a video musical featuring 7 fictitious characters with independently differing views of modern times.

Born from unlawful sin, John seeks the put to an end the injustice and deceit he sees in the world.

A once liberal following tradesman, Jack has grown towards a new path and identity.

An executive living a privileged rank, Elliot believes more is his right.

Affirmed with pride, Cody shows his way of life can never be taking away.

A big man among boys, Axel dreams the old norms were better and men need to return to dominance.

A young new TV anchor and weatherman, Daniel finds himself not agreeing with the script he is given.

A man of deep faith, Toby preaches values and virtues without selfishness.

A wild ride indeed! I love the disclaimer at the beginning ;~)) "Ain't No Way Back" was probably my fav! "Court Of All" had me thinking of stuff from "Schoolhouse Rock" (TV series, not the movie) when it came to the vibe and the way the sermon was presented!! There was a bit near the beginning talking about time and some of it seemed to jive with what I put out in a recent song called "Time Ain't Got No Grave" ;~)) I found it interesting that at the end in the credits, you talk about all the music being non AI, and I stated a similar thing in the liner notes for my recent album release "Real Notes". I called the album that because it is 100% real notes that I created with real instruments in real time ;~))

Good work and happy you got this one out the door!

A wild ride indeed! I love the disclaimer at the beginning ;~)) "Ain't No Way Back" was probably my fav! "Court Of All" had me thinking of stuff from "Schoolhouse Rock" (TV series, not the movie) when it came to the vibe and the way the sermon was presented!! There was a bit near the beginning talking about time and some of it seemed to jive with what I put out in a recent song called "Time Ain't Got No Grave" ;~)) I found it interesting that at the end in the credits, you talk about all the music being non AI, and I stated a similar thing in the liner notes for my recent album release "Real Notes". I called the album that because it is 100% real notes that I created with real instruments in real time ;~))

Good work and happy you got this one out the door!

First, thank you for watching and your comments. The disclaimer in the beginning is important to understand how the video should be viewed with an eye for satire. And, how the viewer shouldn't come to early conclusions without reaching the end.

"Court Of All" is very much in that old school vibe of gospel, blues, and country. This as a means to deliver a timeless simple message that ties together with the beginning track "Dust We Return ".

I have very mixed thoughts about AI. If the tail (AI) is wagging the dog (content creator) and creating content that an artist is claiming as their own, that's not ok IMO. OTOH, if the dog is wagging the tail and content is generated at the request of the artist to supplement the story, that's OK as long as it is disclosed. I would would have liked to not need to use AI at all in the video. But for this low budget production, it was the only option to tell the story.