The New Behringer Octavia Octave Fuzz Pedal

Dave Lewis

Arrived from Thomann just now 👍
It’s got a bit of weight to it 👌



Don’t get why people are still so hung up on Behringer bringing quality gear at affordable prices to the masses?
Do you see Boss complaining ?😳
If it wasn’t for Behringer Loads of pedal builders around the world wouldn’t be in business.
To name just two brilliant pedal makers .
Boss & JHS have to buy parts from Behringer.😳

I have to buy stuff from Amazon but it doesn't stop them having shitty business practices.

Don’t get why people are still so hung up on Behringer bringing quality gear at affordable prices to the masses?

You talk about behringer bringing affordable stuff to the masses like they're doing it to help people and not just corner the market in badly made cheap knockoffs. You know exactly why some of the people on here have problems with their business model. You might not agree with us and that's fine but it's been spelled out now over many many threads and it's getting dull to pretend you don't get it.