Tell Me About The Dude (v2)


TGF Recording Artist
Because I'm getting one (J Rockett The Dude v2)...

Is the Dude a groovy cat? Is he hip? Is he cool? Cuz I don't want no square Dude muckin up my tone.

And who is this Aloysius J. Dumbell dude anyways?

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There’s a guy that swears by it on another forum. You know the one. Search there…

Might have been archived. I tried one with the chrome knobs… V1 maybe?
Solid pedal. Just not in my wheelhouse of tone.
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Initial test results = I dig the Dude. :cool:

It's a juicy tone with a little grit/crunch on top somewhat in the cranked Fender Tweed tone ballpark...

But it's not Fender and not Marshall. Classic rock distortion in spades and it will do a little more gain beyond that.

Also awesome with soloing.

Key here is the setting on the Ratio knob which allows you to determine how much of your amp/how much of the Dude distortion you want in the tone.

I tested with a '66 Fender Deluxe and a SC Strat and PAF Gibson CS SG.

This demo vid from J Rockett pretty much sums it up:

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Gets on soapbox.

I'd like to use this thread to also point out that J. Rockett does not know what the hell they are doing with their pedal visuals. They always have low quality printing, awful font choices, straight up misaligned labels etc.