Step closer to the plug-in rabbit hole... what are your favorite & most used ones?


What's a Recording sub-forum without a nice plug-in thread?!

So what are your favorite & most used ones?

I'll start with mine:

Line 6 Helix Native
Valhalla Delay, VintageVerb & Room
SIR Audio Tools SIR3 & StandardGate
FabFilter Pro-Q, Pro-C & Pro-L
Sonible smart:EQ, smart:comp & smart:limit
Kuassa Efektor CH3604 & PH3605
Soundtheory Gullfoss
Steven Slate VSX (with headphones)
PSP Audioware 2445 EMT
#1 Neural Granophyre


runners up:
Neural Plini black amp (Friedman BE)
Nembrini MRH810 (Marshall JCM800 2210)
Mercurial Audio ReAxis (Mesa Triaxis preamp)
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What's a Recording sub-forum without a nice plug-in thread?!

So what are your favorite & most used ones?

I'll start with mine:

Line 6 Helix Native
Valhalla Delay, VintageVerb & Room
SIR Audio Tools SIR3 & StandardGate
FabFilter Pro-Q, Pro-C & Pro-L
Sonible smart:EQ, smart:comp & smart:limit
Kuassa Efektor CH3604 & PH3605
Soundtheory Gullfoss
Steven Slate VSX (with headphones)
PSP Audioware 2445 EMT
Soundtoys everything
Fabfilter (boring but dependable and versatile)
Arturia’s stuff has just got better and better
UAD since going native is also a lot of fun
Izotope Ozone and RX
A lot of Waves here, always reliable. Love the Renaissance stuff, holds up so well even now.
Toontrack Superior Drummer 3
Lexicon reverbs still sound incredible despite being abandonware
TC MD3 and MD4
PSP Audioware stuff is up there with the very best, criminally underrated
Cranesong Phoenix
Fuse Audio do some fun/obscure bits
Valhalla (everything they do)

As for amp sims, just so many good ones out there. I dig:

- Helix Native
- Softube
- Audiority
- Mercuriall
- Nembrini
- STL Amphub (and LL/JM Tonality’s)