special needs


realizing the roadster sufficiently and permanently displaced by the gifts of five, i find myself in need of quincuncial stereo giver channels, passively summed to one stereo output pair, that's not a $400 morningstar, or a 40 acre mixing board, or a 40 day custom order lead time, or a 40 inch pedaltrain with an ES-8 doing 0.03% of its $750 potential.


"how hard can this be"

tip+sleeve, joined in threes. done almost for free. an enclosure bearing acoustic properties.

behold: the corrugated beginnings

hey driver what you mean familiar driver
Grew up around them. Dad would run one from time to time. He was more of a gravel train guy mostly. He only drove a rig when the equipment operator stuff was slim.

Plus I had a HS buddy who got his CDL real early....I used to go with him on salt runs to Canada.
He worked for a landscape supply company, bulk road salt runs.....🤷🏻‍♂️
Nice work! Best use of anything EQD I have ever seen :ROFLMAO: I have always wanted a single space analog mixer where I could connect an expression pedal and sweep/pan between 2 different inputs. Output control would be cool too! It's an oddball item that on one else in the known universe wants so it sits unfulfilled for the rest of eternity :cry:
Nice work! Best use of anything EQD I have ever seen :ROFLMAO: I have always wanted a single space analog mixer where I could connect an expression pedal and sweep/pan between 2 different inputs. Output control would be cool too! It's an oddball item that on one else in the known universe wants so it sits unfulfilled for the rest of eternity :cry:
So make one!!!