Some NAM profiles for y'all


Not too long ago, I replaced my MOTU M4 with a RME Fireface UCX II.

After learning my way around it, I decided to re-attempt profiling some of my amps / gear.

The RME UCX II with the Signal Art have a pretty damn flat frequency response (measured with REW, shooting a -12 dBFS sine sweep through the SignalArt and back into the Hi-Z input of the RME).


The profiles turned out pretty damn good as well - tones go from clean/eob, crunch/rock & balls out high-gain.

All are calibrated for +13 dBu.

They (profiles) are just a smidge higher in size (and eat about 2-3% more RTCPU per Reaper) than your default "Standard" quality NAM profiles, but they're below the widely accepted "great" quality threshold of 0.01 ESR in NAM (essentially where you're hard-pressed to distinguish them from the real deal).

Anyway, enjoy! I have a few others I want to list & then I'll probably take a longer break from profiling & focus on writing some damn music.
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Ceriatone King Kong 100W.

This one's profiled with the St.Rock React:IR II reactive load using the EQ section on the unit to match the frequency response of the unit to that of the same amp but with my Mesa 4x12 OS Straight in the St.Rock React:IR II "Through" input.

Bogner Ecstasy (Synergy) into the Ceriatone King Kong 100W poweramp.

Some folks in the NAM group were asking for Bogner Ecstasy profiles for a good while & not too many were shared. Since I had the Synergy preamp, I did a thing.

Profiled with the St.Rock React:IR II reactive load using the EQ section on the unit to match the frequency response of the unit to that of the same amp but with my Mesa 4x12 OS Straight in the St.Rock React:IR II "Through" input.

Ceriatone Chupacabra 50W.

This one's profiled using the St.Rock React:IR II reactive load without any EQ etc. Frequency response is straight up the one of the loadbox....


I shot some sine sweeps into the FX Return of the amp with the St. Rock React:IR II connected, my Mesa 4x12 OS Straight hooked into the "Through" input and then my Mesa 2x12 Rectifier cab.

Used the St.Rock React:IR II "Tone Match" feature and came up with 2 IRs that can be used (included in the pack on Tonehunt) right between the NAM profile and another cab IR of your choice. These will adjust the "frequency response" (somewhat like the SIC tweaking in the Fractal gear) of the profiles to match that of my Mesa 4x12 or my Mesa 2x12.

I included a few Poweramp profiles in there too.
I 've used your previous Ceriatone captures a lot and they've kept those amps on my radar.

I'm away from my DAW for an extended amount of time, but am curious to hear if you notice differences/improvements in your captures due to the new AD/DA.
I 've used your previous Ceriatone captures a lot and they've kept those amps on my radar.

I'm away from my DAW for an extended amount of time, but am curious to hear if you notice differences/improvements in your captures due to the new AD/DA.
They come out not as fuzzy; lowend is a little bit more firm & it's easier to get a better ESR with this updated signal chain.
Jeremy from Ground Zero Amplification suggested a mod for the Friedman BE Deluxe:

The mod also works on the Synergy stuff so I had it done on the Friedman BE-DLX Synergy preamp.

Shot 2 profiles using 2 reactive loads:
