Peavey Rock Master demo


Hello everyone and welcome back to the channel! Today we're going to test the Peavey Rock Master, which is becoming pretty rare and is therefore gaining more attention among enthusiasts and collectors. We'll explore its main features, its powerful gain, and how it performs with different guitars. Let's find out together if this preamp really lives up to its name!
Ciao a tutti e ben ritrovati sul canale! Oggi testiamo il Peavey Rock Master, che sta diventando sempre più raro e quindi si sta ritagliando sempre più spazio tra gli appassionati e i collezionisti; vedremo insieme le sue caratteristiche principali, il suo gain potente e come si comporta con diverse chitarre. Scopriamo insieme se questo preamp è davvero all'altezza del suo nome!
I was hoping this was going to be a demo of the Rockmaster head, which I believe was some sort of JCM800 with 6L6 type clone (I think it was prior to the Butcher and VTM or whatever it is called).
I love a good rockmaster video.

I sold mine recently, and while I don't really regret selling it, I wish I had made more use of it while I owned it. It's a great preamp.

I sold it for 10 times what I paid for it, so I can't complain!
I had one with a rack rig. Was okay but one trick pony.
Those things are from 35 years ago.
One cool feature is there is a common FX loop for all channels and each channel individually.
No matter what you do it still sounds like a PV.
The "shift" knob is useless just like all PV "parametric EQ" BS.
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I bought a basket case Rockmaster for $25 a few years ago. It was the seller's parts donor for 2 others he had in a rack. It was a real mess but for $25 how can you say no? Excellent sounding tube preamp. I used it in a couple collaborative tunes.

For rhythm & lead in this.

Outro lead in this.
