Ok Gear Guys, Help Me Understand What Alex is Doing with His Switching Here


Rock Star
I've always wondered how he pulls this off live. It's the solo in Limelight.

I imagine he turns on a delay to start the solo, and possibly a different amp tone, but then at the end it looks like he hits 3 or maybe even 4 buttons, some of which he somehow gets that final delay trail to continue ringing out while he resumes the arpeggio chords, then when the power chords come in, he hits 2 more.

So how is he doing that, like, exactly? What would the routing be..., and does he use an amp switcher and another amp for the delay trails? What do you think each button press is?

It's cued up:

Sounds like some sort of hold modifier. What delays had that back in 1981??
I seem to recall reading some magazine article about this back in the day, so for some reason him using another amp sticks in my mind.

Rush fandom site says his delay was a Roland tape echo. And doesn't list anything else for delays, which I find odd.
Simple: certain versions of the Roland Space Echo feature "SOS" (sound on sound) mode (just like Echoplex).
Given the time period I think LLL is on it with the Sound on Sound ability of the Roland
Space Echo---which could be made footswitchable. Sounds like he is just using it to hold
that last note he bends and vibratos with the Trem Arm . :idk


You can even see him turn the Sound on Sound mode off around 3:51 a full 10 seconds or so
after the Solo ends. :chef