NPD: A Bad Case Of FOMO...

Earlier this year, I saw a double bill of Boris and Kiyoharu, which despite the extremely jarring genres, was an amazing show. Also found out long after the show that Boris guitarist Wata was selling her signature pedal (Earthquaker Devices Hizumitas fuzz/dist) at the merch desk, which also sold out.

So I went and bought one.


The Hizumitas is basically a recreation of Wata's personal ELK Big Muff. This also happened during a time when I started checking out a bunch of Big Muff variants, despite already owning a Skreddy BC239 as my long time muff of choice. I was also eying the EHX Big Muff OP Amp, and was even contemplating on getting that along with the Hizumitas, but I opted out of it. This is definitely not a polite pedal at all, and it's just great playing sludgy doom riffs with it. And like all Muffs, plenty of sustain on tap, and I was playing long sustained drone leads for hours.

Overall, a fun mean unit.
Any thoughts/ideas on how it compares to the EQD Hoof? The Hoof is classic. Just curious
what any differences might be. :idk
Any thoughts/ideas on how it compares to the EQD Hoof? The Hoof is classic. Just curious
what any differences might be. :idk

My experience with the Hoof is rather limited, as I only tried the Hoof Reaper combo. But I really liked that pedal a lot. The Hoof would probably be a more versatile muff variant compared to the Hizumitas, thanks to the Shift control. While the Hizumitas is the kind of muff you'd want if you want the sound of more bass, more is more and a bit more Armageddon, and nothing much else.