Modern Boss DF-2 Super Feedbacker & Distortion Type Pedal?


So back in my younger days my Dad had a Boss DF-2 Super Feedbacker & Distortion effect pedal my brothers and I would use sometimes as kids. It wasn't super great but it did have the interesting feature of holding and sustaining a note or harmonic feedback. You'd play a note and press it down. If it was one clean note it would hold that endlessly while the pedal was pressed down. if you played a chord or multiple notes and did that it kind of had a mind of it's own. Lots of older folks here so I bet some of you may be familiar with it. Would be a feature I'd be interested in if there are modern options that are similar yet better. Wondering what those options may be. I could buy a pricey old used one off eBay or Reverb but I'm wondering if there is something new and modern that does the same thing but better. Let me know if you have any ideas for me. Picture of what it was below.

I had no idea there was an alternative to the DigiTech FreQout. I have it front of my Sputnik III with its Drift switch for feedback weirdness (having a Reverend AirSonic W that can also make more feedback weirdness helps too).

I also spotted a Boss FB-2 in my searching. Love good-sounding feedback!
Hmm. Did some reading and watched some videos and have become most interested in the DigiTech FreqOut. A bit more advanced of an acquisition than buying one of the old Bosses used for significant $. It also has the most options and abilities it seems. However I can tell that some of its noise is not quite organic sounding enough to be better than what my hollowbody is naturally inclined to do through tubes. I feel it can be somewhat useful though.
At pne point I was a sucker for anything that said "Harmonics" in the description - and the FreqOut has 7 types!

I tend to use the Momentary switching option, but it does take a little getting used to.